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Unlock hidden detail with HD AMOLED display.

The TU Gen 2 Series is equipped with a high-sensitivity thermal sensor of 12μm and a 1440×1080 HD AMOLED display. 

Paired with the robust PureIR image algorithm, it provides users with a more vivid and detailed visual experience.The product has undergone meticulous optimisation in its detailed design, elevating user-friendly operation.

Furthermore, the battery life has seen a substantial extension, resulting in a 20% increase in duration.

High definition thermal sensor

High-quality thermal imaging with 400×300@12μm or 640×480@12μm resolution with clear distinctions allows for improved recognition of animals, their body parts, and even minute elements such as branches, leaves, grass, and the landscape.

1440 x 1080 AMOLED Display

The heat signature captured by the thermal image can be shown on the display using the picture-in-picture (PIP) feature, significantly enhancing the comfort of observation.

PureIR adaptive dynamic filtering algorithm (PureIR)

The PureIR combining 3DNR and PureIR adaptive filtering algorithms delivers high-sensitivity thermal images, reducing image distortion and enriching detail even for distant targets.