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Price Match Guarantee

We always aim to have the best prices available on our store. This is our guarantee to you!

If you (somehow) find another online store with a lower price than us please let us know, simply email us at with a link to the same product on a competitor's website.

Our Price Match Guarantee has some limitations:

  • You must request our price match guarantee before purchasing the item from our website 
  • Promotions such as sale items, and buy one, get one free offers are not eligible
  • The item must be in stock on the competitors website
  • The competitor must be an Australian based online store, they may not have a retail location
  • The website can not be a discounter or auction website (ie; eBay, Amazon etc.)
  • The competitor must be an Authorised Retailer for the product in question
  • The product may not be a parallel/grey import
  • The product must be identical to the one listed on our website

Once we have a chance to verify the pricing, we will match or beat the price you found. No questions asked!

Please note that the price must be the total price, that includes any shipping costs and taxes that may be charged by the comparison site.

For any further questions, view our Contact Us page.